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BIOREMEDIATION OF ARSENIC USING CUCURBITS | Journal of Global Ecology and Environment

Metal pollution has always been a major concern on a global scale. Arsenic (As) is an extremely poisonous metal that poses a threat to millions of people around the world. The potential of two cucurbits, Luffa cylindrica M. Roem. and Coccinia indica, is investigated in this study. Wight & Arn. for arsenic phytoremediation in polluted water. The dried fruit biomass of Luffa cylindrica and Coccinia indica was used to detoxify arsenic-contaminated water with a concentration of 100 ppb As. After treating 8 g of Luffa cylindrica, the concentration of As was reduced by 45 percent. The capacity of Luffa cylindrica to absorb As was discovered to be greater than that of Coccinia indica. The study looks at Luffa cylindrica's spontaneous As retention capacity, which could be a promising choice for As remediation in economically deprived rural areas.



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