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CONTROLLED RELEASE FERTILIZERS- AN OVERVIEW | Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology

New agricultural strategies have been created to promote food production through the use of more effective pesticides and fertilisers as the world population and demand for food has grown. Controlled release technology has the potential to improve the performance and safety of chemicals by utilising materials such as barriers around active components to modify the latter to distribute at the optimal time and rate. The latest trends, advances, and prospective uses of controlled release fertilisers (CRFs) made from renewable resources were comprehensively examined in this review study. Environmental concerns and the understanding that global resources are scarce have heightened interest in polymer-coated CRFs. The use of polymer and nanotechnology in CRF design, classification, and economic, agronomical, and environmental aspects of CRFs have all been studied while considering CRF creation and synthesis. The article also discusses the technological and future problems that will be faced in bringing these materials to a wide range of uses, as well as potential solutions.



©2017 International Knowledge Press.

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