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Cassava processing mill wastes are typically dumped uncontrollably into the environment, posing major environmental risks. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of the cassava mill effluent on the physicochemical effects of the cassava mill effluent, as well as the effects of polluted soil on maize plant growth. Fresh cassava mill effluent and clean soil samples were collected and physicochemically examined. The cassava mill effluent was used to pollute the soil sample, which was then subjected to physicochemical examination after 31 days. Using soil samples polluted with various amounts of cassava mill effluent, the germination and growth of maize seedlings were also studied. The effluent was acidic, according to the results of the physicochemical investigation (pH 3.95). It contains 139mg/l of total titrable acid, 654.86mg/l of total dissolved solids, and 89.65mg/l and 32.78mg/kg of nitrate and cyanide, respectively. Metal concentrations were in the following order: Ca>K>Mg>Na>P>Zn>Pb>Fe>Cu>Mn. The findings of the studies of the unpolluted and effluent-polluted soil samples revealed that the effluent had a significant impact on the soil's physicochemical qualities. The effluent increased the soil's acidity from 6.85 to 4.25 pH. A statistical examination of the findings of the physicochemical study of the contaminated and unpolluted soil samples revealed that the physicochemical features of the unpolluted and polluted soil samples differ significantly. The germination of plants was similarly hindered in polluted soil at greater concentrations of wastewater. Irrigation of healthy developing plants with 100 percent effluent concentration resulted in the plants wilting within a few days. Elemental examination of the healthy and withered plants revealed that the amounts of metals in the withered plants were significantly higher. The presence of cyanide, which makes the wastewater acidic, caused the effluent to have an influence on plant growth. Acidity has an impact on plant germination and growth. The effluents from cassava processing mills have considerable influence on the physicochemical qualities of the surrounding soils, as well as negatively affecting plant growth on these soils, according to this study. As a result, it was proposed that this effluent be appropriately treated before being discharged into the environment.



©2017 International Knowledge Press.

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