IMPROVING INDUCED SPAWNING OF SNOUT OTTER CLAM (Lutraria rhynchaena JONAS 1844) | Journal of .....
Clam of the otter's snout The bivalve Lutraria rhynchaena is a good seafood and a commercially maricultural species in Vietnam's northern and central regions. However, due to a lack of seed availability, this species cannot be cultivated and expanded to fulfil market demand. Broodstocks are normally stimulated to release eggs and sperm during the seed artificial reproduction process for bivalve. In the case of the Snout otter clam, strong thermal shock caused by weak sunlight exposure is frequently utilised to trigger spawning, however the effects are ineffective. As a result, the goal of this work is to improve induced spawning for Snout otter clam seed artificial reproduction. Based on the ratio of fully formed veliger larvae stage of Snout otter clam in different induced spawning methods, high thermal shock from weak sunlight exposure (control), low thermal shock from ice packs, and high pH shock from chemicals in filtered natural saltwater. Due to the broodstock recovery ability, high ratio of broodstocks to reproduce, and high ratio of fully developed veliger larvae stage, the methods of pH shock at 9.5 for 20 minutes and low thermal shock at 15oC for 20 minutes were able to select for improvement of induced spawning of Snout otter clam. Thus, these two stimulation approaches could be used to artificially reproduce snout otter clams on a commercial scale.
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