MODELLING OF MOTOR-GEAR-GENERATOR SYSTEM | Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research
Expressions that define the relationships between the system's inputs, outputs, and other variables make up the mathematical model utilised for control system analysis and design. This study proposes a mathematical model for a DC motor-gear-AC generator, in which the generator is driven by a motor and specialised gears. The equation and transfer function that characterise the system are designed, a block diagram is created in Simulink, and the system's workability is tested using the parameter values of the Motor-Gear-Alternator (MGA) system and assuming the capacitor value is one. The findings revealed that the model is of third order and responds to MGA values.
i. Develop a mathematical model that describes the motor-gear-generator system.
ii. To create a system transfer function.
iii. Create a Simulink model from the model's transfer function.
iv. To put the model to the test using the MGA parameter values and the expected capacitor values.
v. To figure out how a capacitor affects the MGA system.
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