Different methodologies, such as physical features, yield components, and molecular markers, can be used to explore genetic diversity. This study morphologically evaluated three Egyptian commercial barley varieties (Giza 134, Giza 135 and Giza 136) as well as seven barley lines at various growth stages (vegetative, flowering, and maturity) and on a molecular basis (based on ten ISSR markers). Agricultural Research Center, Giza Research Station, conducted two field studies in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 seasons. Morphological characterisation was performed using the Internationally Recognized, Descriptor of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties on 28 morphological features (UPOV 2018). The findings revealed that there was variation among genotypes for some morphological characters, but not for others, such as lowest leaves hairiness of leaf sheaths, flag leaf, anthocyanin coloration of auricles, flag leaf intensity of anthocyanin coloration of auricles, flag leaf glaucosity of sheath, ear number of rows, grain husk, grain speculation of inner lateral nerves, of dorsal side of lemma, grain hair The genotypes differed significantly in plant height, tillers/m2, heading date, grain filling period, maturity, spikes/m2, main spike length, grain/ spike, weight grain/ spike, grain yield, biological yield, straw yield, seed index, and harvest index. In terms of yield and its components, four of the promising lines (1, 2, 3, and 4) greatly outperformed the check varieties and other lines. The barley genotypes were characterised using ten ISSR primers. Each of the ten genotypes was identified by unique positive or negative ISSR markers. The ten genotypes amplified a total of 24 distinct markers (23 positive and 1 negative marker). Five distinct markers were found in the Giza-136 strain. The largest similarity indexes were found between (Line 2 and Giza-134 variety) and (Line 3 and Line 7), while the lowest index was found between (Line 2 and Giza-134 variety) (Line 2 and Line 5). At 0.75 similarity, the ISSR-based dendrogram was separated into two main sub clusters. Six genotypes were found in the first main cluster, while the remaining four genotypes were found in the second. ISSR markers were shown to be the best markers for identifying barley genotypes based on these findings.
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