SOIL EVANGELIZATION IN NIGERIA | Journal of Global Agriculture and Ecology
Soil evangelising is a multidisciplinary, passionate approach to raising awareness about the value of soils and addressing soil and land-related problems to long-term development. It is an agricultural transformation project aimed at influencing a positive attitude change in the use and management of soil resources, especially among Nigerians and the worldwide soil science community, in order to improve ecosystem protection and food security. It is a grass-roots and national soil movement in Nigeria that was founded by Dr. Godwin O. Chukwu on June 25, 2015, at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUA), Umudike, as part of Nigeria's celebration of the International Year of Soils 2015. He also coined the phrase "Soil Evangelization for Ecosystem Conservation and Food Security" as a slogan for soil conservation and food security. A soil evangelism group was formed, consisting of academics and students who volunteered to lead this social crusade. It entails giving value to soils in order to attract more adolescents by mixing songs and theatre into soil science education. The report described soil evangelization as a rebirth of the soil, urging a passionate approach to sustainable soil management to improve the soil's potential to support ecosystem functions and food security.
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