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Bhindawas Lake is a vital resource for India, and it has been protected since 1986. It's a man-made lake that was built to hold excess water from the Jawaharlal Nehru Canal. It is a key breeding, feeding, and wintering location for a variety of bird species. Invasive species, eutrophication, and siltation have all posed severe threats in recent years. The goals of this study were to (1) provide an overview of current water quality in Bhindawas Lake, Haryana, India, and (2) extract important water quality parameters and identify pollution sources using multivariate statistical techniques like Cluster Analysis (CA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and Factor Analysis (FA). Analytical findings of 17 water quality indices were collected at 18 sampling sites throughout the Lake during the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons of 2014. Based on the spatial similarities in the Lake water properties, the dendrogram generated by cluster analysis grouped the sampling sites into three statistically significant clusters. Five components emerged through principal component analysis and factor analysis, accounting for 80.85% of the variation in the data. PCA/FA assisted in the identification of parameters such as minerals, salts, nutrients, and organic pollutants that have a significant impact on temporal data variation patterns and contribute to Bhindawas Lake's high pollution loading. FA further proposed that soil leaching or erosion, followed by runoff, non-point sources such as agriculture, and human sources, could be the origins of these pollutant loadings. The findings show that the Lake is under stress as a result of non-point pollution sources, and that it requires immediate attention and conservation and management strategies to maintain its ecological integrity.


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